trauma-informed, licensed psychologists, evidence-based care

How to Find the Best Therapist Match for You: A Guide to Choosing the Right Mental Health Professional

by Vanessa H. Roddenberry, Ph.D., HSP-P

Choosing the right therapist is one of the most important steps toward mental health and well-being. The relationship you develop with your therapist can make a significant difference in how effective therapy is for you. But with so many options available, finding the right match can feel overwhelming. It’s not uncommon to find that, despite prolific Googling of terms like “psychologist near me” or “mental health therapist near me,” you still feel confused. In this blog, we’ll help you clear up the confusion as we explore how to navigate this process and provide practical tips for finding a therapist who meets your needs.

Why Finding the Right Therapist Match Matters

Therapy is more than just talking through problems—it’s about forming a therapeutic relationship where you feel seen, heard, and supported. The right therapist will create a space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings without judgment, but it goes beyond comfort. They should have the training, expertise, and experience to help you navigate complex emotions, life transitions, and mental health challenges.

Many people assume that all therapists are the same, but in reality, they can vary widely in terms of their education, training, and approach. While all therapists are committed to helping clients, finding someone with the right credentials and expertise can offer a richer, more informed experience—especially when it comes to complex issues like trauma, anxiety, or relationship struggles.

Step 1: Consider What You’re Looking For in a Therapist

Before you start searching for a therapist, take some time to reflect on what you’re hoping to get out of therapy. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What challenges or issues am I facing that I want to address?
  • Am I looking for short-term support or a longer-term therapeutic relationship?
  • Do I have a preference for a certain therapeutic approach, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or trauma-focused therapy?
  • What type of personality would I feel most comfortable with?

Having clarity about your needs can help guide your search. For example, if you’ve experienced trauma, you may want to seek out a therapist who specializes in trauma-informed care. If you’re struggling with anxiety, someone trained in evidence-based treatments like CBT might be the best fit.

Step 2: Research Credentials and Expertise

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a therapist is their level of training and expertise. While many different types of professionals offer therapy, doctoral-level psychologists, like those at Breyta, bring a unique depth of knowledge to the table.

Doctoral-level psychologists have extensive training in both the science and practice of psychology. They’re uniquely trained in research, assessment, teaching, and clinical work, which allows them to understand your experience in a more comprehensive way. At Breyta, our clinical psychologists have a deep understanding of mental health rooted in evidence-based practices, informed by the latest research, and enriched by years of clinical experience. This type of training ensures that the care you receive is not only compassionate but grounded in the most effective methods available.

When researching potential therapists, it’s helpful to:

  • Check their credentials: Look for therapists who are licensed and have the appropriate degrees for the services they provide. Doctoral-level psychologists often hold PhDs or PsyDs, which signify advanced training. A licensed psychologist may have LP or LPA after their degree credentials to signify that they are a “Licensed Psychologist” or “Licensed Psychological Associate.”
  • Look at their specialties: Do they have experience in the areas for which you’re seeking help? For example, if you’re dealing with relationship issues, look for someone with expertise in couples therapy or family dynamics. If you need help recovering from a trauma, look for a provider who is a trauma and PTSD specialist and can offer evidence-based, trauma-informed care options.
  • Read reviews or testimonials, but understand the limitations: In the world of mental health, it’s important to know that therapists are ethically prohibited from asking for reviews from clients. Unlike your dentist or hair salon, where businesses often request feedback or public reviews, mental health professionals are bound by ethical guidelines to protect client confidentiality and avoid conflicts of interest. This means that even if a therapist provides excellent care, you may not see many reviews.

If you do find reviews, know that therapists cannot control what clients choose to share publicly, but they also cannot solicit these reviews. A lack of reviews doesn’t indicate a negative reflection on the therapist’s abilities—it simply means they’re adhering to strict ethical standards designed to protect your privacy and maintain professional boundaries. So, when researching, focus more on credentials and fit, rather than relying solely on reviews.

Step 3: Focus on Fit

Credentials and expertise are crucial, but finding a therapist who “gets” you is just as important. The therapeutic relationship is built on trust, and it’s vital that you feel comfortable being vulnerable with your therapist. Here are a few ways to assess fit during your search:

  • Schedule a consultation: Many therapists offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to ask questions about their approach, experience, and how they might work with you on your specific challenges.
  • Assess communication style: Does the therapist listen attentively and respond thoughtfully? Do they make you feel understood and heard? Pay attention to how you feel during this first meeting—your gut instinct matters.
  • Consider their personality: While you don’t need to have the same personality as your therapist, it’s important to feel like their style aligns with your needs. Some people prefer a direct, no-nonsense approach, while others want a therapist who’s more nurturing and empathetic.

At Breyta, we take the time to match you with a therapist who understands your unique needs, ensuring that your experience feels supportive from the very first session.

Step 4: Understand Their Approach

Different therapists use different therapeutic approaches, so it’s important to understand what will work best for you. Whether you’re looking for short-term solutions or longer-term support, here are some common approaches to consider.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Trauma-Informed Therapy is not a specific therapy model but rather a broad approach that guides how therapists interact with clients, particularly those with a history of trauma. It ensures that therapists create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel empowered and understood. Instead of focusing on one method, a trauma-informed therapist will tailor different therapeutic techniques (such as CBT, DBT, or mindfulness practices) to meet your individual needs, always prioritizing emotional safety and trust. This approach helps individuals process and heal from trauma at their own pace, ensuring that therapy is sensitive to the ways trauma affects the mind and body.

Therapy Approaches to Consider

When searching for the right therapist, it’s helpful to consider what therapeutic approaches might be the best fit for your needs:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): A form of CBT designed to help people manage intense emotions. It combines mindfulness practices with strategies to tolerate distress, regulate emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships, especially helpful for those with emotional regulation issues.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Focuses on accepting difficult emotions, staying present, and committing to making changes aligned with your values.

A doctoral-level psychologist will be well-versed in a variety of evidence-based approaches, allowing them to tailor their therapeutic style to what’s most effective for you.

Step 5: Think Long-Term

While some people seek therapy for a specific issue, like getting through a tough transition, others may be looking for longer-term support. Consider what type of therapy relationship you’re seeking. Are you looking for someone to help you navigate a short-term problem, or are you interested in ongoing support to explore deeper issues? The answer will guide you toward the right therapist match.

Why Breyta Stands Out: Trauma-Informed, Doctoral-Level Psychologists

At Breyta Psychological Services, we pride ourselves on offering highly trained doctoral-level psychologists who bring a richness to therapy that is hard to find elsewhere. Our team of mental health providers in Raleigh, NC is uniquely trained in research, assessment, teaching, and clinical practice, giving us the tools to offer more than just surface-level understanding. We’re here to dig deeper and help you uncover the root causes of your challenges, offering personalized care that’s backed by years of experience.

Our mission is to ensure that your therapy experience is meaningful and tailored to your needs. We understand that therapy is a personal journey, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Start Your Search for Your Mental Health Provider with Confidence

Finding the right therapist can feel daunting, but by taking the time to reflect on your needs, research credentials, and focus on fit, you can make a choice that feels right for you. Whether you’re looking for short-term support or a long-term relationship, Breyta’s team of highly skilled psychologists is here to help you along the way.

If you’re ready to start your therapy journey or want to learn more about our services, contact Breyta Psychological Services today. We can help you get started with a free 15-minute consultation or a first appointment. In-person or telehealth appointment options are available. We’re committed to helping you find the best therapist match, so you can take the next step toward well-being with confidence.